Monday, May 26, 2008

pool day

pool day, originally uploaded by sRagnar.

at the end of the day the light in the sky and the clouds painted the beautiful sunset.

Monday, May 19, 2008


alone, originally uploaded by sRagnar.


runner, originally uploaded by sRagnar.


mask, originally uploaded by sRagnar.

self portrait

why, originally uploaded by sRagnar.

There is so much pain it the way goodness, forgiveness and love is taught.
Why? Can love be learned without pain? Can we live and forgive one another with out causing pain to justify the love? Why all the pain? In the name of the father?

I think that he has partly figured out what we really did to him.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

this is going somewhere. the only question is where.

there will be postings and photos going on here from time to time.
we will see where this goes, there must be a direction in this at some point.

There are some things in the great mind forming and just waiting to be posted or in some way released, i wonder if there is a spellchecker available for blogs?